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Patrick J Ducharme |
Continued from Tele-warrants
Primary designated offence means:
(a) an offence under any of the following provisions, namely,
(i) subsection 7(4.1) (offence in relation to sexual offences against children,
(i.1) section 151 (sexual interference),
(i.2) section 152 (invitation to sexual touching),
(i.3) section 153 (sexual exploitation),
(i.4) section 153.1 (sexual exploitation of person
with disability),
(i.5) section 155 (incest),
(i.6) subsection 160(2) (compelling the commission
of bestiality),
(i.7) subsection 160(3) (bestiality in presence of or by a child),
(i.8) section 163.1 (child pornography),
(i.9) section 170 (parent or guardian procuring sexual activity),
(i.901) section 171.1 (making sexually explicit material available to child),
(i.91) section 172.1 (luring a child),
(i.911) section 172.2 (agreement or arrangement —sexual offence against child),
(i.92) subsection 173(2) (exposure),
(ii) section 235 (murder),
(iii) section 236 (manslaughter),
(iv) section 239 (attempt to commit murder),
(v) section 244 (discharging firearm with intent),
(vi) section 244.1 (causing bodily harm with intent — air gun or pistol),
(vii) paragraph 245(a) (administering noxious thing with intent to endanger life or cause bodily harm),
(viii) section 246 (overcoming resistance to commission of offence),
(ix) section 267 (assault with a weapon or causing bodily harm),
(x) section 268 (aggravated assault),
(xi) section 269 (unlawfully causing bodily harm),
(xi.1) section 270.01 (assaulting peace officer with weapon or causing bodily harm),
(xi.2) section 270.02 (aggravated assault of peace
(xi.3) section 271 (sexual assault)
(xii) section 272 (sexual assault with a weapon, threats to a third party or causing bodily harm),
(xiii) section 273 (aggravated sexual assault),
(xiii.1) subsection 273.3(2) (removal of a child from Canada),
(xiv) section 279 (kidnapping),
(xiv.1) section 279.011 (trafficking — person under 18 years),
(xiv.2) subsection 279.02(2) (material benefit — trafficking of person under 18 years),
(xiv.3) subsection 279.03(2) (withholding or destroying documents — trafficking of person under 18 years),
(xiv.4) subsection 286.1(2) (obtaining sexual services for consideration from person under 18 years),
(xiv.5) subsection 286.2(2) (material benefit from sexual services provided by person under 18 years),
(xiv.6) subsection 286.3(2) (procuring — person under 18 years)
(xv) section 344 (robbery), and
(xvi) section 346 (extortion),
(a.1) an offence under any of the following provisions, namely,
(i) section 75 (piratical acts),
(i.01) section 76 (hijacking),
(i.02) section 77 (endangering safety of aircraft or airport),
(i.03) section 78.1 (seizing control of ship or fixed platform),
(i.04) subsection 81(1) (using explosives),
(i.041) section 82.3 (possession, etc., of nuclear material, radioactive material or device),
(i.042) section 82.4 (use or alteration of nuclear material, radioactive material or device),
(i.043) section 82.5 (commission of indictable offence to obtain nuclear material, etc.),
(i.044) section 82.6 (threats),
(i.05) section 83.18 (participation in activity of terrorist group),
(i.051) section 83.181 (leaving Canada to participate in activity of terrorist group),
(i.06) section 83.19 (facilitating terrorist activity),
(i.061) section 83.191 (leaving Canada to facilitate terrorist activity),
(i.07) section 83.2 (commission of offence for terrorist group),
(i.071) section 83.201 (leaving Canada to commit offence for terrorist group),
(i.072) section 83.202 (leaving Canada to commit offence that is terrorist activity),
(i.08) section 83.21 (instructing to carry out activity for terrorist group),
(i.09) section 83.22 (instructing to carry out terrorist activity),
(i.091) section 83.221 (counselling commission of terrorism offence),
(i.1) section 83.23 (harbouring or concealing),
(vi) section 233 (infanticide),
(vii.1) section 279.01 (trafficking in persons),
(vii.11) subsection 279.02(1) (material benefit — trafficking),
(vii.12) subsection 279.03(1) (withholding or destroying documents — trafficking)
(viii) section 279.1 (hostage taking),
(viii.1) subsection 286.2(1) (material benefit from sexual services),
(viii.2) subsection 286.3(1) (procuring),
(ix) paragraph 348(1)(d) (breaking and entering a dwelling-house),
(x) section 423.1 (intimidation of a Justice system participant or journalist),
(xi) section 431 (attack on premises, residence or transport of internationally protected person),
(xii) section 431.1 (attack on premises, accommodation or transport of United Nations or associated personnel),
(xiii) subsection 431.2(2) (explosive or other lethal device),
(xiv) section 467.11 (participation in activities of criminal organization),
(xv) section 467.12 (commission of offence for criminal organization), and
(xvi) section 467.13 (instructing commission of offence for criminal organization)
Note: Please see The Code ss. 487.04 (b), (c) and (d) for more offences.
The above is the an excerpt of Patrick J Ducharme’s book, Canadian Criminal Procedure, available at Amazon or in bulk through MedicaLegal Publishing along with Criminal Trial Strategies.
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