Drumpf-Style Hipocricy

Hypocrisy Runs Rampant in Trump Administration

Southern Border Wall– Build a Wall and Mexico will pay

  1. Mexico is not paying for the southern border wall.
  2. 4 years in office and he has never asked them to pay?
  3. Mexico’s then president said no; just in response to media reports. Without ever having to face the actual question/order from Trump.
  4. American citizens have paid 6.1 billion to reinforce 76 miles of existing wall and $3.8 billion has been taken from the US military for a grand total of about $10 billion that has accomplished the following: 90 miles of replacing existing structures and 3 miles have been added to that.
  5. A private organization called We Build the Wall” has constructed half a mile of new wall on private property.
  6. 3 new miles at $10 billion–3.3 billion dollars per mile. This is an area where there have never been any reported crossings.
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President Drumpf

It is certainly no secret that the President of the United States is a serial liar. At the beginning of May 2020, the Washington Post had documented more than 14,000 lies. These are lies that were public and “on the record” in the sense that he was making public statements that were provably false. They excluded hundreds more statements or comments that were likely false but not provably false.

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Personal Privacy Obliterated By Canada

Federal Government Is Continuing To Destroy Any Rights of Privacy

Are you worried about your privacy? You should be. The Canadian government intentionally exposes every Canadian to breaches of their privacy. Privacy breaches by the government and others are legislatively encouraged and protected. Access to private information is granted upon request, without a warrant or court order. Information that Canadians believe is entitled to a reasonable expectation of privacy is intentionally exposed.
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The A-Rod Story: No One Worthy of Sympathy: Everyone A Loser

Major Leagues Baseball’s marquee player Alex Rodriguez has been suspended for the entire 2014 season including its postseason. It is a fact that he used Performance Enhancing Drugs (PED’s) for several years. While no one knows exactly when he started cheating and he refuses to tell, it likely dates back to at least 2003. A decade of deceit.  He paid huge sums of money to prevent the MLB from obtaining evidence of his cheating. Some will claim his bribes and extortion to prevent disclosure are more heinous than his extensive use of performance enhancing drugs. The drugs provided him with an unfair advantage over other players. Asking which is worse is like asking someone if they’d rather be shot or stabbed to death. Minutes after it’s done it doesn’t matter.
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America: A Violent Intolerant Nation

Yesterday Michael Dunn, a 47-year-old software developer, was found guilty of 3 counts of attempted second-degree murder and 1 count of firing a gun into an occupied car. Because the jury was unable to reach a verdict on the most serious charge, first-degree murder, the judge declared a mistrial on that charge. Attempted murder usually means, ‘tried but failed.’ Michael Dunn did not fail. The bullets he fired killed 17-year-old Jordan Davis. Jordan Davis died because Michael Dunn didn’t like his “thug music.” Michael Dunn’s violent intolerance is commonplace in America today. Dunn was convicted on Jordan’s 19th birthday.
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Stephen Harper’s Contempt for Constitutional Rights

Stephen Harper’s recent nominee to the Supreme Court Canada exposes his desire to exercise power over the criminal justice system without interference by judges. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with his appointee, Justice Marc Nadon. He is faultlessly ordinary. Ask any Canadian lawyer with the temerity to offer an opinion and with knowledge of the appointee’s judicial history and you will likely find this assessment: Nadon lacks the Promethean ability to be daringly original or creative. His judgments are imitative and uninspired.
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Stephen Harper Squirms

The vast majority of Canadians were undoubtedly delighted this week to see Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper squirm under the allegations of his own appointee to the Canadian Senate Sen. Mike Duffy. Mike Duffy, himself no model of propriety having stolen close to $100,000 in expenses that even he acknowledges were illegitimate, aimed his best invectives at the hand that once fed him, Stephen Harper. And, Stephen Harper, Canada’s most hated one, wilted noticeably in the bright light of shame he so sedulously aims to avoid.
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Justin Trudeau: Canada’s Next Prime Minister

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Calling All Carnivores

Meat eaters everywhere were probably captivated by the story of Backstreet Bully, the well-known Canadian racehorse that was slaughtered in early January 2013 as meat for human consumption. As a competitive racehorse, his meat would be laced with potentially deadly performance-enhancing drugs. But for Health Canada, the agency charged with the responsibility of protecting humans from meat not fit for human consumption, Backstreet Bully was no different than many racehorses slaughtered every year then packaged for human food. The same can be said for the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), operating under the Department of Justice for the Federal Government and responsible for the administration and enforcement of Canada’s agricultural products. No apologies or explanations from either organization. They sure know how to make us feel safe!
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